Getting Started

With Near Apogee eCommerce

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What to expect

  • Let's Chat

    Find out if you like us and we reflect your values.
  • Discovery

    Let's define your north star together. Where are you and where do you need go?
  • Continuous Delivery

    Build, deliver, and refine. Together, we follow that north start and execute on your vision.

So what does this actually cost?

Where would you rather spend $380,000?

That is the average amount we let you either save or reinvest in your store over 10 years.

Want to improve sales and increase agility while controlling costs? Once you have proven your e-commerce business viability, you can become more flexible and intimate with your customer -- translating to better sales.

Better Sales are sales that stick. They don't get returned and the customer comes back for more.

Talk to us. Tell us your story. Bring your questions. We won't pitch you. Just 15 minutes of our time to solve or make traction on one of your biggest concerns.

Only then, if you are interested, we can address the investment to increase your flexibility and improve your sales.

If this makes sense, let's see if we like each other!

Schedule an intro call with our team. We only work with people that are excited to work with us!
Schedule Now!

Thought Near Apogee Consulting built other things?

We do. While we focus on eCommerce for the most part we have built many applications for startups and existing businesses. We love to make life easier for you. See what we can do!
View our Case Studies

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