What The Heck is a Client Advocate (And Why It Matters to YOU)?

Jo Beckwith

We’ve all heard about them; lurking in basements, deprived of sunlight, white as sheep, glued to their keyboards. Developers!

If you’ve turned on your television recently you’ve probably seen a show featuring some stereotype of a “nerd”, that is, a super-smart computer person. Often we see them depicted with pocket-protectors and taped glasses, incapable of normal human interactions, only able to speak in code. 

As someone with minimal developing experience now working with a team full of developers, I can assure you, that stereotype is fiction! Our team is fantastic to work with, easy to talk to, and they’ve even ventured out their front door to see the sun recently.

“Nerd” stereotypes may be far out there, but the reality remains that sometimes communication gaps do appear between tech-centric and non-technical folks. At Near Apogee, we created a client advocate position specifically to remedy that.

We’ve found that sometimes clients can be hesitant to reach out and seek the technical expertise they need because they’re fearful of the communication barriers when it comes to turning an idea into a technical reality. That is where I, as your client advocate, enter the process. 

With a background in communication and public speaking, I’m here to diligently listen and make sure you get exactly what you are looking for. The best way to think of how I serve you is like a translator - I pick up on any nuances of your project or idea and make sure they’re fully understood by our team.

You don’t have to be a tech-minded person to have a fantastic working relationship with developers. I’m here to help facilitate that. Wherever you find yourself on the technical spectrum, I am here to walk with you through the development process, listen, and make sure we build the dream that you came to us in the first place to accomplish!

In summary:

  • While developers mostly don’t fit the “weird” stereotypes we’re told about, sometimes communication barriers do exist.
  • Client advocates act as translators to make sure all teams understand the goals and vision of each project.
  • I’m here to assist you in shepherding your vision to reality!

Jo Beckwith
As someone with a heart for people and a background in advocacy, this role fits with what I'm already passionate about - increasing positive communication, building long-term client relationships, and making sure expectations are properly set and then promptly met.

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